Football reflection: Smooth seas don’t make skilled sailors

As I rode home from the week five game against Prairie Ridge on Friday night, I took the time to reflect on some things. I reflected on the game I witnessed, where Cary-Grove lost 27-16 after leading 16-14 at half, and the overall jams they unfortunately couldn’t get out of. 

I reflected on the culture/standard set and the fans. 

Furthermore, I reflected on the intimacy that has been shown at CG year after year. 

You’re probably wondering why I did this, and for good reason. Usually when writing these articles, or talking about the games played every Friday night, the discussion is solely about football and how the team performed that given evening. 

However, I felt the need to think about the amazing group we have at CGHS. It’s second to none. The community is one big family, and Trojans football is our life in autumn. 

Running back Mykal Kanellakis probably said it best, especially after he went down with a knee injury, came back in to convert a two-point conversion, batted down a pass on fourth down before halftime, and finished the game. 

“I’d do anything for them”, Kanellakis said. “This is a brotherhood, we’re a family. One guy goes down, you know he’s going to come back. We don’t go down here.” 

On the heels of that statement, Kanellakis took the notion of brotherhood and sacrifice to the next level: 

“I’d die for these guys on the field.” 

If that doesn’t show how much we rally around each other in Trojan Nation, I don’t know what will. 

As a reporter, I usually won’t write these kinds of articles. As a matter of fact, this might be the only time I write this kind of story. 

Additionally, this might be the only football article I write without any Coach Seaburg tidbits or any “football game” related notes. 

On the other hand, and more importantly, as a student that bleeds Trojan blue and white, I wanted to take the time to confirm that we have a special community we are so fortunate to be a part of. 

No matter if our team is winning every game, or navigating a bumpy road like they are right now, our support will never sway, and the rough waves that may come to us, fans, players, and coaches alike, will make us better sailors in the end.