Malala’s message
I sat on my deck one Saturday, enjoying the first nice day of spring, reading Malala Yousafzai’s autobiography.
In the back of my mind, I thought of the notecards I needed to study, the math homework I needed to figure out, etc. But, I mostly dreaded going to school because of all of the responsibilities waiting for me once I stepped through the front door of Cary-Grove. As I attempted to push away the deadlines and stress of school, I picked up Malala’s autobiography and soon became engrossed.
But as I read her story, I felt guilty. I felt guilty for the fact I was complaining and imagining the homework I had to do and complete, all while she is telling the horrors of moving from her childhood home to escape the gunfire and impending threat of the Taliban. I was dreading to go to school on Monday, whereas Malala is describing the secret plans she would make in order to go to school.
Malala’s autobiography is not as simple as telling the story of how she was shot, even though the title creates that idea. Malala’s journey is one of courage and kindness, traits most Americans nowadays refuse to acknowledge about the Middle East these days.
Malala breaks down barriers, not only in the fight for educating women, but in expectations. She pulls you into her life, never once letting someone question education for women. She describes the injustices in detail, fighting against the Taliban’s reasoning, making you a believer.
By the end, you want to fight, you want to change the world. Malala does not have kind actions, she does not do kind things–she is kind.
Education is a rare commodity for those living in the Middle East. Despite the terrors occurring in their country, some people ache to simply learn. The n
ext time you complain about tests and homework, take a step back and reevaluate. Be blessed and be grateful that you can go to school without a care in the world. Others aren’t so lucky.
“I didn’t see the two young men step out into the road and bring the van to a sudden halt. I didn’t get a chance to answer their question “Who is Malala?” or I would have explained to them why they should let us girls go to school as well as their own sisters and daughters. The last thing I remember is that I was thinking about the revision I needed to do for the next day” -Malala Yousafzai, describing the moment before she was shot.